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New LabPlot User Documentation
In recent weeks we have been working on transferring LabPlot’s documentation to a new format. We decided to move the documentation from the DocBook and MediaWiki format to the Sphinx/reStrcutredText framework. In our perception Sphinx offers a user-friendly and flexible way to create and manage…
Performance of data import in LabPlot
In many cases, importing data into LabPlot for further analysis and visualization is the first step in the application: LabPlot supports many different formats (CSV, Origin, SAS, Stata, SPSS, MATLAB, SQL, JSON, binary, OpenDocument Spreadsheets (ods), Excel (xlsx), HDF5, MQTT, Binary Logging Format (BLF), FITS,…
Google Summer of Code 2024
Programmes like Season of KDE (SoK) and Google Summer of Code (GSoC) provide a great opportunity for young talent to become part of the open source community and contribute to open source projects. LabPlot, and KDE in general, has a long history and experience in…
Bad information drives out good or how much can we trust Wikipedia?
This post is written on behalf of the LabPlot team. It’s different compared to what we usually publish on our homepage but we feel we need to share this story with our community. Introduction You might already know this, but finalizing a release for a…
LabPlot funded through NGIO Core Fund
This year we applied to NLnet’s NGI Zero Core open call for proposals in February 2024. After a thorough review by the NLnet Foundation, LabPlot’s application was accepted and will be funded by the NGI0 Core Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support…
LabPlot 2.11 released
Say hello to LabPlot 2.11! This brand new release comes with many new features, improvements and performance enhancements in several areas, as well as support for more data formats and visualisation types. The main new features are outlined below. For a more detailed overview of…
LabPlot 2.10.1 released
Today we are announcing the availability of the minor patch release 2.10.1. This release contains minor improvements and bug fixes only. The fixes are distributed over many different areas of the application and we recommend everybody update to this patch release which is available from…
LabPlot 2.10
Today we are announcing the availability of the latest release of LabPlot: Say hello to LabPlot 2.10! This release comes with many new features, improvements and performance optimizations in different areas, as well as with support for new data formats and visualization types. The major…
Example Projects
In the face of a growing feature set in any project, getting started becomes harder and harder for new users. This problem is common for many software applications, and LabPlot is no exception. To overcome this problem we’re investing more resources into creating documentation in…